Seasonal sea surface temperature anomaly
Select NMFS reporting area(s) to view winter and summer temperature anomalies. Each winter season includes October - December, plus January to March of the following year (e.g., Winter 2003 includes Oct - Dec 2003 and Jan - Mar 2004). Winter 2002 and 2018 have been omitted because they were incomplete and could thus bias anomaly calculations.
Depth filters remove statistical areas whose average depth is outside of the selected depth range. The default depth is set at 0 - 200m, a general approximation for the continental shelf. If the selected depth leads to a plotting error try a different depth range.
See the map tab for spatial reference of NMFS areas.
Monthly sea surface temperature anomaly
Select NMFS reporting area(s) and month to view temperature anomalies (standard deviations) for those areas and that month.
Depth filters remove statistical areas whose average depth is outside of the selected depth range. The default depth is set at 0 - 200m, a general approximation for the continental shelf. If the selected depth leads to a plotting error try a different depth range.
See the map tab for spatial reference of NMFS areas.
Map may take a few moments to load. Hover over areas to identify NMFS areas for reference.